Board Code of Conduct


The purpose of this Code of Conduct ("the Code") is to provide guidance to members of the Board of the Aquaculture Licences Appeals Board ("ALAB") in the performance of their duties, as set down in the Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1997 (as amended) and taking into account the requirements of the Ethics of Public Office Acts, 1995, the Standards in Public Office Act 2001, and the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies (2016). 

The objectives of this Code are to set out an agreed set of ethical principles, to promote and maintain confidence and trust in ALAB, and to promote compliance with the best ethics, governance, and management practices in all of ALAB's activities.

It is expected that the Board members of ALAB will apply the same duty and care to the resources of ALAB as they would to their own resources. ALAB's ethos is to strongly focus on the principles of control and integrity. 

The Code outlines the responsibilities of each Board member of ALAB and of ALAB itself.  The Code is not a full statement of obligations of a Board member arising from his/her relationship with ALAB and each Board member's duties and responsibilities arise also from the general law including the Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1997 (as amended) (“the Act”) and pursuant to the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies.  

ALAB Code of Conduct (pdf 248Kb)