
Ballyteigue Bay, Co Wexford


Appeal Ref Appellant Site Ref Subject matter of appeal Applicant Licence Type Determination Date Minister's Decision Status of Appeal Oral hearing Requested
AP4/2/2023 Jim Hurley T03/038A

Appeal against the decision of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine to grant an Aquaculture and Foreshore Licence to Ballyteigue Oysters Ltd to cultivate pacific oysters using bags and trestles on the intertidal foreshore on site T03/038A a 1.698 hectare site in the coastal lagoon of Ballyteigue Burrow in Ballyteigue Bay, Co Wexford. Ballyteigue Oysters Ltd New License Pacific Oysters using bags & trestles 30 October 2024 Grant Stage 3: Information Gathering No
AP4/1/2023 An Taisce Yes


Notice of Appeal

Date Appeal Ref View Document
08 February 2023 AP4/2/2023 AP4-2-2023 - Redacted Appeal (pdf 2,286Kb) 
02 February 2023 AP4/1/2023 AP4-1-2023 - Redacted Appeal (pdf 525Kb) 


Administration of Appeal

Date Document Type View Document
17 February 2023 Acknowledgement of Appeal AP4/1-2/2023 - Acknowledgement of Appeal (pdf 149Kb) 
06 March 2023 Notification of Appeal AP4/1-2/2023 - Notification of Appeal (pdf 302Kb) 
11 April 2023 Consolidation Letter AP4/1-2/2023 - Consolidation of Appeals (pdf 169Kb) 
30 May 2023 Consolidation Update AP4/1-2/2023 - Consolidation Amendment (pdf 241Kb) 
Time Extension Letters
Received 02/02/2023 08 June 2023 (Original) N/A
25 May 2023 31 December 2023 AP4/1-2/2023 - May Time Extensions (pdf 214Kb) 
23 November 2023 30 April 2024 AP4/1-2/2023 - 2023 November Time Extensions (pdf 138Kb) 
05 April 2024 30 October 2024 AP4/1-2/2023 - 2024 April Time Extensions (pdf 188Kb) 



Date of Request Date of Receipt View Document
06 March 2023 15 March 2023 AP4/1-2/2023 - DAFM File Combined (pdf 26,664Kb) 


Observations - Sections 44 (Party) & 45 (Non-Party)

Date of Receipt  From View Document
11 March 2020 Noel Roche AP4/1-2/2023 - Observations from Licensee (pdf 763Kb) 


Information Requests

Date Recipient View Request View Submission
12 October 2023 Marine Institute AP4/1-2/2023 - S46 Request to Marine Institute (pdf 341Kb)  AP4/1-2/2023 - S46 Response from MI (pdf 1,992Kb) 
07 December 2023 All Parties AP4/1-2/2023 - S46 Request to All Parties (pdf 200Kb) 

AP4/1-2/2023 - S46 response from Applicant (pdf 2,891Kb) 

AP4/1-2/2023 - S46 response from the Minister (pdf 1,194Kb) 

AP4/1-2/2023 - S46 response from An Taisce (pdf 127Kb) 


Technical Reports

Date Type View Document
26 September 2023 Technical Advisers Report  AP4/1-2/2023 - Ballyteigue TAR (pdf 1,563Kb)